Emergency Phone Numbers
printable list
S.F. Suicide Prevention 24 hour crisis hotline | (415) 781-0500 |
Adult Protective Services Elder Abuse | (415) 557-5230 |
Child Protective Services | (415) 558-2650 or (800) 856-5553 |
Mobile Crisis Treatment Team psychiatric crisis intervention | (415) 255-3610 |
Crisis Clinics |
S.F. General Psych. Emergency | (415) 206-8125 |
Westside Crisis and Outpatient | (415) 353-5050 |
Other Crisis Services |
AIDS Hotline | (415) 863-AIDS |
CA Youth Crisis Line | (800) 843-5200 |
Consumer Credit Counseling Service | (800) 777-PLAN |
Drug Line (24 hr. Hotline) emotional support, referrals | (415) 362-3400 |
Friendship Line for the Elderly (over 60) | (415) 752-3778 |
Helplink | (415) 772-4357 |
Kids Turn – Divorce & Separation help for kids 5-17 yrs. | (415) 437-0700 |
Manalive (24 hr. Hotline) – Domestic Violence Issues | (415) 924-1070 |
T.A.L.K. Parental Stress (24 hr. Hotline) for parents with kids under 18 | (415) 441-5437 |
S.F. Women Against Rape – Hotline | (415) 647-7273 |
S.F. Rape Treatment Center | (415) 206-3222 |
LGBTQ Services |
New Leaf (formerly Operation Concern) | (415) 626-7000 |
Community United Against Violence | (415) 333-HELP |
12 Step Recovery Programs
Additional Resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance